Iraq, l'intervista a Mons. Shlemon Warduni, vescovo ausiliare caldeo di Baghdad TG2000 1:35 10 years ago 343 Далее Скачать
Shlemon Warduni, vescovo ausiliare caldeo di Baghdad: "L'ONU non deve dormire" TG2000 1:46 10 years ago 128 Далее Скачать
The Iraqi bishop that stared death in the face five times ROME REPORTS in English 2:07 8 years ago 2 176 Далее Скачать
In Terris - Cristiani perseguitati, intervista a mons. Shlemon Warduni In Terris Quotidiano digitale 6:17 9 years ago 291 Далее Скачать
Mons Shlemon Warduni, vescovo ausiliare dei cattolici caldei di Bagdad Tv2000it 5:02 9 years ago 210 Далее Скачать
Caritas Internationalis - Non ci sono pace e sicurezza - Intervista a mons. Shlemon Warduni AgenSIR 2:19 8 years ago 45 Далее Скачать
incontro con mons. Warduni, vescovo ausiliare di Baghdad La Voce del Popolo 3:29 8 years ago 79 Далее Скачать
L'intervista al vescovo Caldeo di Baghdad, mons. Yaldo ChiesadiMilano 4:50 2 years ago 385 Далее Скачать
Pope Calls For Iraqi Bishops To Improve Relations With Muslims ROME REPORTS in English 1:40 15 years ago 506 Далее Скачать
Pope Francis meets with bishops, clergy and religious in Baghdad, Vatican News 0:42 3 years ago 20 776 Далее Скачать
Iraq Bishop: Christians Fearful of Their Religion's Demise in Iraq Currents News 0:26 10 years ago 434 Далее Скачать
Pope Francis Visits Cathedral that Witnessed the Worst Massacre of Iraqi Christians EWTN 2:32 3 years ago 3 024 Далее Скачать
Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil, Bashar Warda, Discusses Pope Francis' Trip to Iraq | EWTN News Nightly EWTN 4:32 4 years ago 1 692 Далее Скачать
Cardinal recalls his visit to Iraq at the height of the ISIS offensive Catholic Church England and Wales 22:38 3 years ago 645 Далее Скачать
The Archbishop of Erbil, Bashar Warda, Discusses the Reality for Christians in Iraq EWTN 5:38 3 years ago 809 Далее Скачать
Bishop of Iraq: Christians must return to our villages and begin to live ROME REPORTS in English 2:28 7 years ago 947 Далее Скачать
Pope in Iraq - E2 - Most Rev. Bashar Warda, Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Erbil, Iraq Salt + Light Media 2:11 3 years ago 481 Далее Скачать